The Florida Bandmasters Association Legacy Project was created in 2013 to help preserve the history of many of our retired FBA members and to document the stories of outstanding members of the association who have distinguished themselves in their careers, both through performance and as mentors in the field of secondary school band programs.  

Legacy Project Recommendation Form

The Selection Committee of the FBA Legacy Project shall consist of the FBA Executive Committee (President, President-Elect, Past President, Executive Director, and the JrH/MS Rep) plus the current Chairman of the Legacy Project. They welcome recommendations to the pool of nominees for review. Recommendations will be reviewed annually (by or before the May Board meeting) and the invitations to be interviewed will be issued at the Summer Convention.  

The nominated person must be a member, in good standing, of the FBA. However, it is not required that the nominated person reside in, nor have taught in, the District sending in the recommendation.  

Any FBA member may propose a name for recommendation, but the paperwork submission shall come only from an FBA District Officer following discussion and vote at a District Meeting.

There is no limit to the number of names a District may submit.

There is no limit to the number of times a particular name may be submitted.

Recommendations should be based on, but not limited to, the nominee having:  

  • At least twenty-five years of exemplary teaching experience and mentoring. The majority of which must have been in Florida.
  • Demonstrated consistently high performance levels that have been a model of excellence. 
  • Actively served as a member of the Florida Bandmasters Association with consistent participation in FBA-sponsored activities. 
  • All submissions are to include a rationale of not more than 2 pages in length. Criteria can be amended by the Legacy Project Chair and the Executive Director.


All nominations will be considered and a selected list compiled by the Selection Committee prior to the May State Board Meeting.

It will be the duty of the Legacy Project Selection Committee (FBA President, President-Elect, Past President, Executive Director, the JrH/MS Rep plus the current Chairman of the Legacy Project) to govern any and all business that relates to The FBA Legacy Project. The FBA Executive Board or any FBA member may offer suggestions to The Legacy Project; however, all decisions made by the Selection Committee will be final.

The selected list will be reviewed and passed at the FBA May State Board Meeting.

Honorees will be notified in writing at the FBA Summer Convention.

Legacy Project Interviews:

Upon approval, the Legacy Project will find the most appropriate means of documenting the individual's story and will post the interview on the FBA website.

Legacy interviews will take place throughout the year. The site, time, and date will be mutually agreed upon at the convenience of both the honoree and the interviewer.